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🎟️ Want to buy a ticket for the show? It's super easy! 😃
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If your family is weird, you will soon find out that this family is even weirder. All the way from Norway, this gang will enter the stage with a boom, and show you their funniest improv games.
An evening of energetic improvised entertainment that will make you feel the warm fuzzy feeling you might have after a long awaited family reunion that had a lot of drama.
We do it just the way you like your family get-togethers: a movie your cousin swears is good as long as you get past the first 10 minutes, a niche reference to something your dad has gotten really into recently, popcorn from the microwave and aunt Margaret’s wine drunk-rants about life.
It might get funny, it might get emotional, it most certainly will be unforgettable (hopefully in a good way).
Spend a night with people you have to like since you are family, but realize at the end of the day that they are actually quite nice.
Workshop-deltakere får her mulighet til selv å innta scenen for å vise fram ferdighetene de har finslipt gjennom sesongen eller i løpet av workshopen. Nybegynnere er også velkomne.
Dette er manges første gang på scenen, en perfekt mulighet til å oppleve talentet i Impro Neuf-miljøet og støtte de som tar første steg på vei til å bli morgendagens improstjerner!