Code of conduct

Table of Contents

The code of conduct is based on Impro Neuf's values, statutes, and other adopted guidelines. The code of conduct are based on Impro Neuf's values, statutes, and other adopted guidelines and are a summary of the organisation's ethical practices and rules to comply with these. The code of conduct apply to all elected representatives, external teachers, attendants at our events and volunteers/members at Impro Neuf. The board is responsible for reviewing the guidelines each year and updating them as needed.

All elected representatives and volunteers/members shall sign the guidelines when they take up their volunteer positions or promote Impro Neuf. Violations of the code of conduct should be reported to the board or leader (chairman) and may result in sanctions after considering the severity, among other factors.

 Impro Neuf (IN) aims to organise events that are welcoming, inclusive and safe for all. We rely on the IN Board, teaching community and participants to create an inclusive community, free from harassment of any kind. 

 This Code of Conduct gives an overall outline of the type of behaviour that is acceptable, and not within this safe space and the measures that will be taken to enforce acceptable behaviour.

We acknowledge that it is impossible to make a complete list of all inappropriate behaviours and that what is appropriate may depend on the context. We ask that everyone attending Impro Neuf events use common sense and good judgement to create a respectful and safe environment. 


Definitions and Scope

Before, during, and after Impro Neuf's events and activities:


Discrimination is direct or indirect differential treatment based on factors such as ethnicity (including national origin, ancestry, skin color, language), religion, belief, neurodivergence, sexual orientation, gender, age and/or disability.

Sexual Assault:

Involuntary sexual acts committed by one person against another in a relationship of trust or coercion. This includes sexual acts or expressions by a person of older age and/or more power against a child or youth who does not understand the actions, lacks enough experience or knowledge to get out of it.

Sexually Transgressive Behaviour:

 Actions that violate the boundaries a person has set to protect their integrity. This can include, but is not limited to, unwanted sexual advances, solicitation of sexual services, verbal or physical behaviour of a sexual nature that is experienced as humiliating and/or invasive.

Sexual Harassment:

Unwanted sexual attention that aims or effects to offend, intimidate, be hostile, degrading, humiliating, or bothersome. The term "sexual" indicates that it pertains to the body, gender, and sexuality. Attention includes verbal, non-verbal, and physical behaviour     . Sexual harassment includes discrimination based on gender/gender identity and can in such cases be termed as gender bullying.

Equality and Inclusion:

All elected representatives and volunteers/members at Impro Neuf shall show respect for all people, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, belief, political conviction, neurodivergence or disability. Impro Neuf distances itself from all forms of negative discrimination, racism, harassment, and bullying. Impro Neuf volunteer’s aim to include everyone 18 years or older in Impro Neuf’s activities and to ensure all these people have access to Impro Neuf's meeting places and bodies.

Respect for Others' Integrity and Boundaries:

Impro Neuf shall be a safe organisation where the individual's integrity and boundaries are respected. Non-sexual boundary infringements, sexual harassment, sexually transgressive behavior, and sexual assault are not accepted. All volunteers/members and elected representatives must always be aware of and follow the guidelines for a safe Impro Neuf, as decided by the board.

Examples of Un-/Acceptable Behaviors

Some examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors...

Encouraged/Accepted Behaviors:

  • Respect (rules/other people)
  • Responsibility (also as a volunteer)
  • Positivity
  • Inclusivity
  • Non-judgemental
  • Community orientation and support
  • Common sense
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Solution orientation
  • Equality

Discouraged/Unacceptable Behaviors:

  • Disrespecting volunteers, the event (workshop, show, jam, social) holders and participants
  • Focusing a lot on problems/negativity, complaining and beeing argumentative/quarrelsome
  • Beeing exclusive, ignoring and looking down on other members and volunteers
  • Overruling other volunteers without having the right mandate
  • Intimidating, hostile, disrespectful or sexualised behaviour, or any behaviour that causes discomfort is unacceptable. Repeated and/or intentional behaviours to cause discomfort will result in sanctions. Examples of such behaviours are:
    • Touching others in a way they did not agree to.
    • Being aggressive towards others (both physically and verbally).
    • Making sexualised comments to others, or about others.
    • Commenting on others ethnicity or gender in a prejudiced or hateful way.
    • Using foul language or actions directed at others to cause harm.

During Improv:

  • Be mindful about your scene partner and their boundaries. Everyone is encouraged to have a conversation about their boundaries with their team and workshop groups. Be especially mindful with people whom you are not familiar with, e.g. new players, new teams.
  • Impro Neuf recognises that in improvised theatre and comedy communities sensitive subjects will arise in scenes. It is important that players treat potentially difficult topics with respect and play at the top of their intelligence. If this is a challenge, players are expected to ask for support and ask questions. Players are encouraged to be open and curious when receiving guidance on how to avoid being disrespectful in scenes.
  • Anyone can stop a scene at any time by calling a 'time out' if they feel uncomfortable. This must be respected immediately in all situations.
  • Don’t set up scenes that humiliate others for the sake of a joke.

Role Understanding

All elected representatives and volunteers/members must be aware of the power and influence they have in relation to others both within and outside the organisation and not abuse the trust they have by virtue of their role or volunteer position. Volunteers/members and elected representatives shall not expose themselves or others to danger when acting on behalf of Impro Neuf. Volunteers/members and elected representatives shall strive for a good collaboration with external and internal collaborators.


Anyone participating in the handling of a case in the board, committees, or other bodies at Impro Neuf shall themselves assess their impartiality in the matter. If one either has a personal interest or has a close kinship or relationship to any of the parties with a personal interest in the outcome of the case, they are considered biased and shall not participate in the handling of the case. The impartiality rules at Impro Neuf's management of support schemes are described in the management manual.


Volunteers/members and elected representatives representing Impro Neuf are responsible for maintaining the trust and reputation of Impro Neuf and its member organisations  through their behaviour. Everyone travelling on behalf of Impro Neuf must follow Impro Neuf's routines for safety and representation on trips, exhibit cultural sensitivity, and comply with Norwegian law, international human rights, and the host country's applicable laws and regulations.

Financial Responsibility

All volunteering activity and participation shall be carried out without dishonesty, fraudulent intentions, or corruption. Responsibility shall be exercised in the management of the organisation, management of public funds, and administration of financial resources. All volunteers/members and elected representatives shall familiarise themselves with the current guidelines for finance (as per the bylaws) and management related to their volunteering area, and Chateu Neuf.

Openness and Confidentiality

Impro Neuf shall demonstrate openness in decisions and processes. Protocols, minutes, and decisions shall, as a rule, be available to all the organisation's elected representatives and volunteers/members. When a body handles cases containing sensitive information, the body can decree confidentiality to ensure the case's confidentiality.

Violations of the Guidelines

Violations of the code of conduct can be reported to the board or leader (chairman) and may result in sanctions after considering factors such as the severity of the violation.

If elected representatives violate Impro Neuf's code of conduct, the notification committee has the authority to make decisions regarding disciplinary actions. Such decisions can be appealed to the board. The volunteering committee may suspend the notified individual while the case is being processed. Minor breaches can be sanctioned with a verbal or written warning, exclusion from events, or removal from role. Serious breaches can be sanctioned with exclusion or expulsion, and reporting to police where appropiate. In cases where it is appropriate, the procedure for the progression of handling notifications, as described in “Notification Procedures for Impro Neuf” will be followed.

If volunteers/members violate Impro Neuf's code of conduct, this will be followed up by the board in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Impro Neuf has its own notification procedures for volunteers/members, which are described in the “Notification Procedures for Impro Neuf” (


Confirmation [alternatively possible to sign as part of an online form]


I, ………………………………………………………….. hereby confirm that I have read and understood the content of Impro Neuf's code of conduct for elected representatives, volunteers/members and participants at Impro Neuf.

I commit to acquaint myself with and follow the regulations and instructions that apply to my volunteer position or role at all times. I understand that I have a personal responsibility to follow the organisation's statutes and code of conduct in the best possible manner and strive for behaviour that maintains a high ethical standard.

I am aware of my duty to report reprehensible conditions and not to share confidential information.